Our Vision: To emerge as one stop facilitation service for all medical tourism-related needs on a global scale with cost effective.
India has become the most preferred destination in the world for medical tourism. The government of India has introduced medical visa for foreign nationals across the world seeking specialty medical treatment in India for extended periods. A visa-on-arrival system for tourists from few selected countries has been instituted by government of India, which allows foreign nationals to stay in India for 60 days for medical procedures.
Maximum of two attendants who are blood relatives are permissible to accompany the patient under separate Medical Attendant visas. The validity of Medical Attendant Visa will be same as the patient Medical visa. The preliminary duration of Medical visa is up to a year or duration of the treatment, whichever is less. The visa allows maximum of 3 entries during 1 year.
Indian Medical Visa Requirements
People traveling from the below mentioned countries should have Yellow Fever vaccination certificate as per Govt. of India directives. All passengers arriving to India w. e. f 14th February 2014 from Kenya, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Israel, Pakistan, Nigeria and Somalia must carry Oral Polio Vaccination (OPV) Certificate taken six weeks prior to entry. This certificate is obligatory for both Adults and Children.
All travellers from above seven countries must now possess a written record of vaccination (patient-retained record) for polio, preferably using IHR 2005 International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis from a hospital or Centre administering OPV by the Government of their respective country.
Every medical document is checked by Indian Missions and Posts that are placed abroad to confirm whether the request to obtain a medical visa is genuine or not.
One may also need to provide satisfactory details to The Missions that they have sought initial medical advice in the country of residence / origin and consequently has got an advice to go for special treatment.
One can get a Medical Visa to India only for treatment in reputed and recognized medical centres. Although a medical visa to India is given for a number of treatments but there are prime ones including radio therapy, Neuro-Surgery, heart treatments, renal disorders, plastic surgery, organ transplants, gene therapy, plastic surgery, ophthalmic disorders, congenital disorders, and more.
Eligibility for Medical Visa Application to India
The medical visa is based on certain conditions that are outlined above, but it is required to ensure that people who are immigrating to India are genuinely doing so for the purpose of receiving treatment. Indian immigration authorities require the following criteria to be satisfied due to the above mentioned reasons:
It should be clear that the initial medical guidance has already been made by the applicant in their own country and they are then recommended to pursue specialist treatment.
It should be demonstrated by the applicant is seeking medical attention only in a recognized institution which specializes in the treatment of the condition. High priority is given to ‘M’ visa applications in India that are associated with several medical conditions. Some serious ailments are given primary consideration such as neurosurgery, heart problems, ophthalmic disorders and organ transplants.
Registration for Medical Visa
It is necessary for foreign nationals with ‘M’ visa that they should register themselves with the concerned FRROs / FROs within 14 days after they arrive in India.
Visa for Attendant’s / Family Members
Attendants or members of the family of patients traveling to India will be provided with miscellaneous visas equivalent to the ‘M’ Visa of patient. These visas are given to the partner / children / in patients’ blood relations. Please take note that only up to 2 attendants are out into consideration for miscellaneous visas in one go. These visas are known as MX visas. Such attendants also have to get register themselves with the local FRROs / FROs within fourteen days of entering India.
Benefits of Medical Visa to India
A temporary immigration service is provided by the ‘M’ or Indian medical visas and they did not make a way for settlement in India.
The medical Indian visas only provide entry for a particular purpose of obtaining medical attention.
A medical visa in India is granted for up to 1 year unlike Indian visit visa that is granted for maximum 6 months. The time required to perform the concerned medical treatment determines the duration of a medical visa.
The government of India permits a period only up to 12 months but it can further be extended to 12 months if required. This extension is based only on the recommendation from an appropriate treatment center or by providing a medical certificate.
Validity and Extension of Indian Medical Visas:
Medical visa to India is given either for the duration of the treatment or for duration of a year, which ever is less. Extension of this visa up to another year is also possible year on the orders of the State Governments or FRROs, if recognized hospital of India gives a medical certificate. If more extension is needed then on the suggestion of the State Government / FRROs coupled with suitable medical papers, the Ministry of Home Affairs can give a validation. This kind of a visa can get not more than 3 entries in one year. in case of emergencies, State Governments / FRROs has the ability to allow an additional entry.
Registration For Bangladeshi And Pakistani Nationals
Nationals of all foreign countries along with those of Sri Lanka, Pakistan, China and Bangladesh can obtain a medical visa to India. However, the registration formalities for citizens of Bangladesh and Pakistan will necessarily have to match the requirements that are given in Para 106 and Para 118, for citizens of Bangladesh and citizens of Pakistan consecutively, in the Visa Manual. The citizens of these two countries are required to conform about their date of arrival and departure according to the present policies of their countries.
Visa for commissioning surrogacy in India
No more tourist visas for surrogacy in India. The legal and regulatory frameworks regarding surrogacy in India are subject to change. Individuals considering entering into an overseas commercial surrogacy arrangement are urged to exercise extreme caution. You should seek independent legal advice and keep informed of developments.
To Provide Medical Visa to India
In order to get visa invitation letter from relevant hospital please send following details on this Email: info@Global Healthcare Medical Tourismindia.com
Medical Reports (Current and Relevant Reports).
Passport Scans of the Patient and the Attendant