Our Vision: To emerge as one stop facilitation service for all medical tourism-related needs on a global scale with cost effective.
We will make arrangement to receive the patient at the airport and take him/her to the chosen hospital. Due to our prior arrangements with the concerned hospital, we will organize for a face-to-face consultation with the doctor/surgeon. After a comprehensive health assessment, the doctor/surgeon would explain in detail about the procedure/surgery. During the entire stay in India, our executive will coordinate with the patient on all matters of concern and help then in the interactions with doctors/surgeons and other people, thus completely eliminating the cultural and linguistic barrier.
While the patient is undergoing the treatment in the hospital, we take care of the accommodation needs of the loved ones who have accompanied the patients as per their preference ranging from star hotels to well-furnished and equipped serviced apartments.
Once discharged from the hospital, depending on the medical condition, we can also provide complete nursing care by a professionally trained and qualified nurse. We completely take care of the patient until he/she fully recuperates and fit enough to travel back to their homeland.